Adrianna Champagne

Manager of Title, Curative and Scheduling

If you tell me I can’t win, I’m going to dig down even deeper and find the extra effort—it’s just my nature.

Growing up in Madison, Guilford was our arch rival. I played sports fanatically all the way through college, but one moment that really sticks out for me was when our softball team beat Guilford in the Class L Championship. Guilford had a knock out pitcher we’d faced many times and just couldn’t hit. It seemed like as soon as she released the ball it was by you. They came into that game as if they’d already won. I was really mad about that—if you tell me I can’t win, I’m going to dig down even deeper and find the extra effort—it’s just my nature.

I’ve brought the same approach to work all these years later. After starting my career in customer service, George Holler hired me at his title agency, Superior Closing Services. Back in 2004, that business seemed to move a thousand miles an hour. Knowing nothing, I jumped in and promised myself I’d be the best paralegal on staff. We had one lender client that was particularly difficult to deal with—they seemed like they were always unhappy no matter what we did. It was a large account and I asked to be assigned to work with them. I guess I needed to prove that I could make them a satisfied customer. My mom always said “Be careful what you wish for”—they gave me a real run for the money.

 I knew they wanted me to answer the phone every time they called. They hated to wait on hold and did not believe in leaving messages. I’d eat lunch at my desk and time my bathroom breaks around their lunch hour—seriously I was that obsessed. What frustrated me was that most of the time they complained I’d missed their call it was because I was on the phone with another person in their office, so I started to ask the loan officers to announce that they had me on the phone as soon as we finished talking. That way the loan officer could just pass me along to the next person. Pretty soon we were doing one phone call at a time where I’d speak to almost everyone in their office. They really loved that and stopped complaining that they couldn’t get us. I’ll admit I got some pleasure out of the fact that when they did complain it was about each other—that they were hogging my time.

 That little trick was a big hit, and I was promoted to Team Lead in the Title Department. When Superior started to expand into other states, I asked to be assigned to the Multi-State Team and was again selected as Team Lead. I always want to learn new things and dealing with transactions all over the country was a great challenge. I then moved on to purchase transactions and subsequently learned REO. After leading the Title Team at HLF for several years, I took over the Scheduling team where I get to lead the folks that manage all aspects of scheduling closings for our clients. Every day presents something new, and I enjoy constantly pushing myself and my teammates to be better at what we do.

185 Plains Road
Suite 100W
Milford, CT 06461

TEL: (203) 301-4333

New York
510 Clinton Square
Rochester, New York 14604

303 Perimeter Center N
Atlanta, GA 30346