Carrie Beningo
Manager of Post Closing, Escrow and Purchase
The key is doing something you love, and being the best you can be at it.
My brother and I grew up in Seymour, CT. Dad worked for Bacon Printing for 45 years. He taught us to be loyal to a team and to work hard. “The key is doing something you love, and being the best you can be at it,” he’d say. He knew that we might not know what we wanted so he encouraged us to try different things. I intended to go into human services, working three jobs to put myself through Mattatuck Community College. It’s kind of funny how life can turn unexpectedly, though. A few years after earning my degree in Social Work, my husband introduced me to a friend, a branch manager at Great Country Bank. She hired me as a teller and soon I moved into mortgage servicing. I really enjoyed working with the customers so when an opportunity came along at Prudential Relocation, I jumped ship—unlike my dad, I would not spend my entire career at one company.
At Pru Relo, I coordinated closings for relocating employees. It was my job to keep all the parties on track—the real estate agents, the attorneys, the lenders, even the home inspectors. If the “transferee” had an issue, I owned it. I loved the job because it gave me a chance to work with people to produce a result. Prudential shipped our department to Arizona and my husband and I almost went, but instead I came across an opportunity with George Holler’s company, Superior Closing Services. Superior was an up-and-coming title agency, buzzing with excitement. While there was lots of chaos as we grew, I got to experience the full range of title and closing services, working in the title, closing, and funding departments, eventually becoming Team Lead in the closing department. We grew the company from 8 people when I started to almost 50 by 2005. We expanded from Connecticut to 17 states—Maine to Florida and out to Illinois.
When the market crashed, George left Superior and started his own firm. I’m proud to say I was the first employee of that firm. Today I enjoy spending time with my husband and my dog, taking him (the dog) for walks & car rides, having family game nights, taking family vacations, water sports, painting and baking. At work, I love closings—it’s never boring, no two transactions are the same and you are always learning new things. What we do here really matters and at the end of the process I know I’ve helped the clients get through what can be one of the most stressful experiences of their lives—buying or selling a home. What my dad taught me has served me well—I do something I love, I’m loyal to the team we have here, and I try day-in and day-out to be the best paralegal I can be.
185 Plains Road
Suite 100W
Milford, CT 06461
TEL: (203) 301-4333
New York
510 Clinton Square
Rochester, New York 14604
303 Perimeter Center N
Atlanta, GA 30346