Rosa Holler
Chief Administrative Officer
We’re a team, and I’m proud to be associated with such a dedicated and talented group of people.
We’re a team, and I’m proud to be associated with such a dedicated and talented group of people.
In second grade I entered a new school in a new country, not speaking a word of English. My parents had moved my brothers and me from Portugal that summer. Those first few weeks were, I can definitively say, life altering. I’ve heard that some people teach their children to swim by throwing them into the pool when they’re infants. I know that feeling. Growing up in Naugatuck as the only girl in a very traditional family had its ups and downs. I learned how hard it can be to make ends meet. I learned how important it is to get a good education, but, most importantly, I decided I would never be dependent on a man to support me. I put myself through Southern Connecticut State University despite my father’s belief that a woman didn’t need a college degree. I became an accountant and worked my way up to directly report to the CFO of a Fortune 100 company.
Then I met my future husband and even though I said I would never do it, I stayed home to raise my family. Three boys later, I have absolutely no regrets. As they’ve grown, I’ve been able to take on more and more responsibilities at the firm. This year, as we’ve expanded, I’ve taken over the role of CAO. It suits me—never a dull moment, always new challenges and lots of ways to put my corporate experience to work. I manage everything from the supplies, to the balance sheet, from HR to A/R. I even answer the phone a few hours each day. That’s the way it is here. We’re a team, and I’m proud to be associated with such a dedicated and talented group of people.
185 Plains Road
Suite 100W
Milford, CT 06461
TEL: (203) 301-4333
New York
510 Clinton Square
Rochester, New York 14604
303 Perimeter Center N
Atlanta, GA 30346